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So far admin has created 6 blog entries.

Linear polarimeter to study asteroids

These polarimetric studies will be crucial in obtaining physical information about the small bodies in our solar system.

The sensors used until now are optimised for locating objects with rapid polarization variation, but this can greatly limit the number of possible targets.
A joint project involving the INAF (the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics) in Padua and Turin; Lagrange Laboratory, the Sophia-Antipolis University of Nice, CNRS (the French National Centre for Scientific Research), and the CCôtete d’Azur Observatory, led to the design of a linear polarimeter which can overcome limitations of its predecessor.

The prototype presented was manufactured by Lobre s.r.l., with the optics created in Carpenedolo (BS) and the mechanisms in our laboratory in Milan.

The project was presented by Professor Claudio Pernechele of INAF in Padova to the SPIE (“Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation”) to Amsterdam in July 2012.

Published in the SPIE Proceedings on “Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation”, Amsterdam, July 2012. All rights reserved to SPIE Society


Lobre provides “brushes” for the “Sun Artist”

LOBRE SRL provides “brushes” for the “Sun Artist” Stefano Marangon.

Maragon uses our optical glass lenses to “paint” his wooden canvases, literally ‘burning’ his images onto the wooden surface using the sun’s own rays. The lenses are manufactured in our Carpenedolo (Brescia) laboratory.

LOBRE srl therefore contributes to the extraordinary success of this unique artist who is stunning the world with his talent as well as his original and innovative technique.

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